Shh! The European Wine Lake?

This morning was one of those mornings where I woke up at 4am and lay awake until 5 and then thought "sod it" and got up and made a cup of tea. Feel like the lingering jet-lag/Libya-lethargy has been shaken off.

Back to the allotment later this morning. Rain stopped play there yesterday. I did manage to free the sage from weeds, but not much else. When it was clear the rain wasn't a passing shower I walked into Jarra, got a Grauniad and a pork dip, and took them to the Buffs to have with a pint. The paper had a wee article about can't find it on google. I've had a look this morning and it's got possibilities: scratching around there I came across the picture above, which gave me a smile.

Last night we went to the Prince of Wales, where, midweek, you get two meals for the price of one. I'd naturally decided to celebrate Bastille Day with claret, or any French wine in default of that, but all they had was something called 'White Mountain' which was made from the wine lake... Maybe some of the grapes came from France, but I doubt it - probably from a scabby vinyard adjoining an industrial estate in an obscure corner of Portugal.


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