#mozartminueting: Day 12

No practice yesterday - lazy morning, and then I got absorbed in the forums on the ESL Cafe about the Middle East, digging back through the threads, sorting the sheep from the goats from the nothing-knowns in potential employers.  It's a tricky business.

But I got a good old practice in today, (a "good" practice, imo, is one which has probably lasted more than an hour, but you didn't take a note of the start time, and lost all sense of time).    Spent all of it on bars 9-12, getting RH just-so, and then almost getting there with LH.  The calls of Sunday dinner prevented me putting them together.

Later today I did a bit of googling to help me with reading - working out note lengths, and slurs.  I think I'm getting there.  Whilst doing the RH with bars 9-12 I've been playing the notes in different ways, not just tempo, but clean, and slurred; longer, shorter.  And then this evening I went on eBay and bid for Beatles' hits 1967-70 piano music, on the basis that I've had all of those tunes lodged in my internal juke box for 40+ years, and (assuming the piano transcriptions are sound), that should help a lot with the reading.


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