Jessops v Snappy Snaps

Where was I? Oh yes...

Just down Byres Road from Hillhead Subway station there's a Jessops, and I went in the other week to see if they would dev 120 colour film. No, indeed: "not even colour - you'll have to go to a specialist", and the man gave me the address of a place in Cowcaddens.

Then a week or so later the Subway has to stop at Kelvinbridge, (I think because of temporary flooding - it was absolutely honking it down, and the Kelvin was in a very dramatic spate), and I approached the University from the other side, and went by a Snappy Snaps - not two hundred yards from the Jessops in the other direction.

I got my first ever roll of 120 done at Snappy Snaps in Sunderland, so I went in and asked them if they dev'd it there. Yes. £3.50 for one hour, £2.50 for three. The price of a pint then. (So, did the man in Jessops really not know about this other shop in his doorstep? Or was he not for helping the local competition?)

It gets better. The Snappy Snaps man told me they'd cross-process 120 slide film for £1 extra. We had a detailed discussion about the effect of E6 film on C41 chemicals. He said that slide film would affect their mix, and would lead to underexposures of C41 if preceded by too much E6. So they would do just one E6 a day, and you might have to wait in a queue. It was nice to learn I'm not the only photographic eccentric thereabouts.

And so that's my new project - xpro on the Sporti.


  1. I recently got hold of a Bencini Koroll 24 S.

    Mate of mine picked it up at a boot fair and lent it to me for a while.

    I stuck a roll of 120 through it and never really expected anything to come out especially as the back came open mid roll.

    Anyway I took it down to Snappy Snaps in Chatham, picked it up after the weekend and was delighted to find that 20/24 came out.

    The point being though Snappy Snaps in Chatham charged me £7.20 to develop the negs and copy the pictures to CD. Bloody north south divide!!!!

    Here's a link to one of the pictures if you want a gander -

    Good to see you back online. Cheers fella.

  2. I think the extra cost comes in when you get them scanned. I've got a film scanner, and so I just get dev only.

    That looks like excellent quality though - that camera must have a good lens.


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