Two FED 2s, a Zorki 4, a Jupiter 8, an Industar 61, two Industar 26s. A new scanner, still in its box. 10 rolls of Fuji Neopan 1600. About 20 other rolls of film of all kinds. Three or four Salvia Divinorum cuttings. A Sony Ericsson K800i still in its box, unused, brand new. The Sopranos Series 3 and 4 boxed sets. DVDs: Trainspotting, Withnail and I, Breathless... CDs: Tom Waits, The Heart of Saturday Night, the new Portishead and the new Nick Cave. A new pair of swimming shorts. A belt. A pair of jeans, assorted underwear and socks. 100 valerian root capsules. Posters from recent productions at Newcastle Theatre Royal. A photocopy of a 1954 map of Jarrow town centre and a list of Victorian Jarrow pubs.
All in my suitcase, which has gone missing.
All in my suitcase, which has gone missing.