Bush in Israel/Palestine

I was watching the news today, Dubya talking to the press with first Olmert and then Abbas, and I thought "Has he maybe had a few drinks today?" I've been a drinker and around drinkers all my life, so I can read the signs: a slightly excessive bonhomie, a deliberate way with speech.

I'd genuinely not like to see any drunk fall off the wagon. I'm only saying...


  1. Meh, he's always sounded a bit like a lapsed alcoholic to me. I suspect he's just a bit stressed at the moment figuring out how he can get a shooting war with Iran started.

  2. I'm sure greater minds than his are working on that little project

    (though, judging by that speedboat farce you could argue that they aren't so great)

    He's probably just nervous about forgetting his lines


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