Reading on Test Validity and Integration (Inclusivity and Exclusivity) - 5

Groendijk, 2011, notes that the relationship between immigration and integration policy changed in several EU states during the first decade of this century. For example (p2) in France, Germany and The Netherlands responsibility for integration was shifted from Social or Cultural ministries, to the Interior ministry. It is suggested that this indicates those states saw integration as a means to control immigration.

Most states do not have "pre-departure integration strategies" but Groendijk focuses on those which do, (The Netherlands, France, Germany and the UK).

[NB not really relevant to my research, but the history of immigration and language testing in Germany (p4)looks fascinating, eg language tests introduced to stem the flow of Russian Jews after they were given preferential immigration status.]

It's noted (see Table 1 on p10) that of the 5 countries whose citizens make up the highest number of non-national UK residents, in 4 of them English is an official language, (Ireland, the USA, India and Pakistan). The other one is Poland.

[NB See Ryan, 2009, for UK introduction of language assessment for spouses in 2007].

There's a discussion of the legality of pre-departure language tests, (p20 et seq), but (it occurs just now) there's no need to consider lawfulness per se regarding test validity.

P23 et seq, introduces interesting data on pass rates for the German tests, including different rates for those who attended official course. See also Carlitz, 2009, (German tests require 3 months full time study). [I was hoping to stick with UK only, but the data on Germany looks too interesting to pass over].


[NOT APA - EDIT CITATION] Cordelia Carlitz, Family Reunification - a Means of Integration? Family Reunification and Integration Policy in Europe (paper presented at the TEAMS Workshop, Potsdam, 12-13 June 2009). 83)

Groenendijk, C. (2011). Pre-departure integration strategies in the European Union: Integration or immigration policy? European Journal of Migration and Law 13(1), pp. 1-30.

Ryan, B. (2009). The immigration Agenda in British Migration Law. In E Guild, K Groenendijk, & S Carrera (Eds.), Illiberal Liberal States: Immigration, Citizenship and Integration in the EU (pp. 277-298). Burlington, VT: Ashgate,


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