No fireworks - Dictionaries - Photography, Again - Work Out with Molly

I wanted to go to the fireworks tonight, take the auld Chinon along and get some photos. But the end of my first term for the MA is approaching (end of January), and I've a lot of work to do, so instead I've been analysing learner dictionary entries, which is no more nor less fun than it sounds.

On the subject of the Chinon, I put my first film into the chemists in Jarrow on Thursday, then went full of anticipation to collect the CD yesterday... And the bloody shop has half day closing Saturday. I muttered some very rude words. Still, never mind. I finish early Tuesday, so I'll give myself the afternoon off studying to look at the photos and probably do a wee bit of post processing.

The Which Camera decision is now made, finally. There's a discussion with Brendadada here. It's to be the D70 with the 18-70mm lens - though I'll go for the D50 with that lens if it works out cheaper.

And then I'm going to try to take photos like Tony Ray-Jones did. Or something.

Incidentally, I noticed that 60 Labour MPs might rebel over the smoking-in-pubs issue. I'm all for a ban. It's worked in Ireland, and it'll surely happen in England. But whilst smoking tabs is a very bad thing, it makes for great pictures. It'll be quite something to catch this over the next year or so - end of a social habit. When Molly's grown up, smoking in public places might seem as ancient as the wearing of top hats does to us now.

Speaking of Molly, she seems to be exercising almost every waking moment: shuggling her arms and legs, as if she were doing baby-aerobics. I've started to join in with her, and I'm thinking of marketing the exercise DVD...


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