Christmas Eve

Yesterday was Christmas shopping, and getting vegetables from the allotment. Then a Flickrmeet, with Brenda, Adam, Kate, Bronwyn, Ceris (who made me a xmas card which I've mislaid, so I hope I've remembered her name correctly), and Topsy, who had been doing things with the Pig Sty Avenue name; (which is nice, making the Avenue feel like a bit of performance art... or something).

Disgusted by the capitalist exploitation of Christmas, we've been trying to avoid it for years. This year, there's some sort of resolution: celebrate it, avoid the hype.

So we've got a wee lemon tree I grew from seed a couple of years ago, with a star on it to be our Christmas tree. We can keep the tree and celebrate it each year and it can grow with Molly. And as this is really the marking of the solstice, a lemon tree - with the colour of its fruit and association with sunshine, - feels right.

Anyhow. Now is the time, when all the shopping's done, and a dinner to prepare. So I'm away.

All the best to everyone dropping by here. Take care, good luck, have fun.


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