Flickr: cold turkey; PSAPC; MA; Molly and dancing; hooray!

I've taken the Flickrbadge from the sidebar there. Flickr, and particularly the DMU group have become rather addicitive. Perhaps it's the need for peer group approval, a transference from the days when I used to spend evenings (and many's the afternoon, actually) in the pub. It's all harmless fun, of course, but mostly futile. I have learned a lot about taking photos, but need to spend some time putting it into practice.

Also a podcast. This audacity software looks rather daunting, so it'll take me a bit of time to get the hang of it, no doubt. It'll be a right laugh. I'm going to put it together under the name of the Pig Sty Avenue Podcasting Corporation.

Friday was given over to studying - well, not actually studying, more getting a programme of study together for the next couple of months, principally deciding what I'm going to do for the Methodology assignment, which is to be completed by late January. I need to get cracking with a lot of reading and thinking, next.

Molly's periods of neither-sleeping-nor-feeding are getting longer. Sometimes she just lies there quietly, staring at me or her Mam or the ceiling. Often, I put on some music and indulge in dancing whilst holding her in my arms; this activity seems to make her very preoccupied. It makes me wonder how much she learns from that sort of thing: linking heard music to rhythmic motion. Hmm.

Hi! Pig Sty Avenue will be a year old in a week or so.


  1. Yeah - I know what you mean about the DMU group on flickr. On one hand it's made me much more crical of my own photography - and that of others. But it's hard work and, as you say, rather addictive. I'm quite glad I'm away this week and so won't be able to get the fix easily anyway.

  2. congrats on soon becoming 1 year old!! hope there are many more years of blogging to come!! (want to see molly grow up some :P)

  3. Happy birthday to Pig Sty Avenue... The dancing baby was cute, but does not hold a candle to baby Molly!

    I am sure that she loves dancing with Daddy. Dancing with Daddy during the dandelions dwindeling days... It is inspiring to know that there are still good parents in the world...

  4. Happy birthday Pig Sty Avenue!


    Most blogs don't make it past a month, and ones of this consistent mixture of quality humour, wit and down to earth niceness are hard to find. Keep on keeping on, mate. It's a credit to you.

    (Oh and good one for loosing the flash Flickrbadge.. when you're ready to relink, just get one that shows your latest two photos, or something. Because I know you will. You, Menage here and the Monkeys are the sanest people on DMU. Mwahaha :)))


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