MA Dissertation V

Maybe the research should include an error or other discourse analysis of the writing produced.

So: "Student 29 scored x on the pen and paper test, and y on the computer test, and demonstrated the following linguistic forms and/errors on the one test, and these on the other..."

Or something. Qualitative, anyhow. The point is, are we engaging cognitively in a different way when we write at a keyboard compared to pen-and-paper?

If I do this, I need to reframe the central question beyond advantage and disadvantage.


  1. ...are we engaging cognitively in a different way...You may have hit a nail on the head with that one. The question would be excellent for the basis of a psychology research project.

  2. Hmm. For me, it shades off into the borderland between Second Language Acquisition and a whole load of psychology that I'm not equipped to deal with. I'm quite encouraged, though - I don't think the existing research will have gotten onto this...

    Thanks for bouncing, Alex.


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