The Shite People Eat

Usually The Food Programme gets on my nerves - like a lot of Radio 4, though I love it dearly, it's so middle class. However, it was interesting this morning, interviewing Michael Pollan about the shite we eat.

What he said is all true, of course: we should just eat real, food (anything with more than five ingredients is unlikely to be worthwhile), and a lot of the supermarket food isn't actually anything your great-granny would recognise as such.

And with the allotment and being an adequate cook I'm well onto the case, but the trouble is finding the time. I'm looking forward to retirement before we can really eat well. Or a lottery win.

Mind you, the food in Libya's good. This contract, we have a house with a kitchen and a garden, and I'm looking forward to learning the Arabic for food names and eating really well. And as the allotment and the chickens are going to be in The Old Man's hands for the next couple of years, I might even get some chickens out there.


  1. The Arabic diet is superb – the food is simple and based on fresh ingredients. If you like rice, you’re onto a winner. I have two close friends, one is from Iran the other from Afghanistan. Both are good cooks, both have great diets and yet they have little money. They cook from scratch and have a full knowledge of a balanced diet. And we consider ourselves the superior race!

    The Libyans prefer lamb, so your chickens will be safe from the locals. Mind you, the locals are probably all English, but for some reason we prefer our chicken “Kentuckied” which is American for “s***e”.


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