Scanning Negatives

I've spent a frustrating time trying to scan negs into a conventional scanner. The problem is the light source. So, if I'm really going to get into film, I'll need to get a film scanner. I couldn't justify the cost just now, but might do so soon to fill the quiet of a dry Libyan weekend.

The Canoscan 8600f goes for about £120.

The Epson 4490 is a tad more.

Don't know if I'll get either of those in Libya, and the postal situation is still uncertain.

I've encountered several references to Digital Ice. Something else to research...


  1. I use the 4490 and for the price, it simply can not be beat. You can try this site,, and plug in my user name and you *should* be able to find all of the photos scanned in with the Epson if you want an idea of the scanner quality.

    Hope that helps.

    BTW, what did you think of the end of The Sopranos?

  2. Thanks Don, I'll check that out.

    As for the Sopranos, I thought that it was perfect. No fireworks, just the family having dinner.

  3. Don,

    No, that site wouldn't work. But thanks for the recommendation - I'll go for the Epson.

  4. FWIW, I have the Canon and love it...the scan engine is fast, very good at cleaning up dust and is great at color-correction. Good luck!

    - mike


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