I can start to blog again: the Wi-Fi broadband satellite thingummy seems to be working, (touches wood), after several days of false starts and frustration. It's much slower than cable broadband back home but, wtf, it'll do. Listen live radio works, but sound shite. Podcasts can be downloaded, more or less in the time it would take to listen to them.

No telly at the moment, either. I'm enjoying reading. It feels good to be away from booze and information overload. I'm sleeping soundly.


  1. by Peter

    Radio Ham
    I'net TV Ham

    But whatever happened to the blogging Ham ?

    Obviously the Pen is mightier than a large fat grunting animal's home.

    You changed the blog name !

    Yeast is available in the baking section of all those little shops and grape juice can be found anywhere.

  2. I've left my porcine friend in Blighty to avoid any Sudanese teddy bear-style misunderstandings.

    And funny you should mention it, old fruit, today is Friday and I'm going to spend it baking a grape pudding, to have at Christmas...


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