Fountains! There are hundreds of them here - everywhere you go. Even a country town like Imsallata has a massive one. There are fountains at roundabouts, and in parks. The style is modernist, generally. I suppose they were built in the last two decades. There's an exception in Green Square. It's neo-classical. Four horses, appearing to fight their way up out of the water. Eye-catching. Presumably it was built by the Italian colonialists. It works wonderfully: water jets 15 foot high. None of the others do: they're all choked with dust and sand, receptacles for rubbish.


  1. Do you have a digital camera? Have you been taking pictures whilst you're there? I'd like to see some.

    Check this site out, you could add it to your blog:

  2. I've posted about this - not really possible to post pics from here - but i'm home in a few days. Thanks for reminding me about flickr - read about it recently and intend to check it out.


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