
I'm going to call it the lean-to from now on: half shed, half greenhouse. I've already blogged about what-to-plant-over-winter, and now I'm getting there. Yes, basil in pots. I've got a lot of fenugreek seeds; (not from a garden centre, but from the Chinese supermarket in George St in Newcastle - I bought a packet of coriander seeds there in spring and masses of them germinated: you pay 35p for a bag of maybe a thousand seeds, rather than £2 for 50 or so). Also cardamom from the same source.

Best of all, I was given five strawberry plants the other day. They apparently do well under cover, though I need to consider whether to let the frost at them first...


  1. Hello!
    I've got an allotment in St Pauls Rd, not too far from where you are down Pigsty.
    We had a full trench of strawbs, and looked after them quite well, doing the usual packing with straw etc etc, but they still turned out crap. I reckon it was all that rain/sunshine/rain/sunshine malarky we had. That website is useful about strawbs (cheers).
    How did you do in the leek show? That dude on the front of the gazette has leeks that look like yours? My uncle got some MASSIVE cabbages and cucumbers which are (unfortunately) still lingering in the fridge/freezer.
    I've come to a point now where i dunno what to put away, we've got loads of empty space but dunno what to put in.
    We decided more turnips/peas/beetroot are definately in order. Any reccomendations on stuff you're putting away? Fenugreek (or whatever) sounds good, i had a crap time with herbs, they all dried out despite much watering.
    Anyway, enough from me.
    Great blog, i just subscribed.

  2. Spring cauliflower and cabbages now - but you'll need to be quick. If we get a mild winter, you can be eating them at xmas, but they'll certainly be ready by March/April.

    Good luck!


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