Poultry: The Way Ahead

The Old Man and I thrashed out a poultry strategy in the Iona on Friday over a few pints. We're going to get Black Rocks for eggs, after first making the bottom end of the allotment into a permanent fox-proof hen run. We'll buy them locally, and probably get new lain eggs and bring them to maturity on the incubator. That should be fun for The Bairn. We'll probably get a couple of dozen eggs, and thereby end up with at least a dozen hens. We'll get the eggs in midwinter, and that should mean they'll be at point of lay around Easter.

We'll also build a small portable run for meat chickens. Large areas of adjoining allotments are choked with weeds, and we'll get permission to put the hen run in those areas: the hens will pick them clean. I need to do some research on the best breed for eating.



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