Supermoon in Shanghai

It's overcast, drizzling, misty tonight, it has been all day.  But there's an unearthly glow, must be the moon through the mist. Beautiful and spooky.  I don't know if you could photo it, or even paint it.


  1. I look forward to seeing same tonight. Yesterday it was very full, and I was out running on a track in the moonlight, and I couldn't help but feeling it was like having the kind of vision you have when underwater. As the other runners outpaced me, their white tee shirts just kind of faded out of view as they grew distant, like silvery sharks. Really great. Our weather is clear here, and the trees are bare. Such a remarkable sight to see that huge moon through the sticks. We are just about ready to untap the maple trees -- have already gotten our ration of maple syrup out of the season. The peepers, little tree frogs who wake up 6 weeks before the start of summer, have been singing for a few days now. Warm weather is stretching and waking. I don't know why everyone is calling it the supermoon. That's so obvious and boring. My dad was a farmer and the full moon in March is the full worm moon. Everything is punching its way out of the grave about now. :D


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