Is what I said when it clicked where this photo was taken.

I'd googled it as war hebburn - I'd a notion to have a local WW2 pic on my desktop. This came up, and it wasn't what I'd set out to get but I liked it and used it as wallpaper. A bit later I was looking at it again wondering where in Hebburn it was... and then it clicked. That building in the centre middle ground used to be a bank. To the right of it is St Aloysius' presbytery. The fenced slope is the northern end of the Station Rd bridge. Just behind that, to the right of the presbytery, is what I think was then called The County Hotel, (now reincarnated as Martha's Vineyard and in danger of losing its licence). The buildings to the left must have been demolished years ago. The people must be waiting by the railway lines - probably for the arrival of some big cheese. The photographer could be on a train, or perhaps some other structure like a signal, next to the line.


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