Mickey Rooney? At the Sunderland Empire? In Panto?!

© Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2017; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/theatre/drama/3669889/Cinderella-Mickey-Rooney-takes-the-Mickey.html
I was looking at the poster, waiting for the Metro the other day. It got me to thinking about those Sunday afternoons, watching old films like Boy's Town on the telly, amidst an atmosphere of roast beef, cabbage and Reveley's pop.

Well, why not? The Bairn's just about old enough to go to a Panto. Mr Rooney certainly is. And that's the three of us new to the art form because I've never been to a Panto, either.

It'll be a right laugh. And something for The Bairn to talk about when she's old - say, in 2080, she can tell people that she went to see a man at the theatre who was born in 1920.

Furthermore, he'd been married more times than her Dad; which is saying something.

I bought the tickets on line just now. Review to follow.


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