Fight to the absolute end...

"I don't think it's right for politicians to start making moral judgements about people. That's the last thing I would want to do. What I think the question is, is what are my political views and as a politician those are the ones I'm accountable for to the public. As a politician I think anybody should be free from discrimination and I'll fight to the absolute end to make sure that is the case."
Indeed. But now, we read about divisions within the government, which suggests that Ruth Kelly's dedication to freedom from discrimination isn't being fought quite to the absolute end. It's ok to be gay, but not if you want to stay in a B&B, apparently. Or if, say, the local Gay Pride Rally organising committee ask to hold their meetings of an evening in a church hall.

Ms Kelly's refused to confirm, or indeed to deny, that she's a member of Opus Dei. Why's that then? If it's an innocent organisation, like the WI, why not be proud of it? If you're not involved come out and say so. Why equivocate?

And now, wor Ruth has weighed into the row about Muslim women's veils. I'm not going to get into that particular debate for the moment, though I will say: as a story, it's going to prove to have legs. But I do wonder if having her responsible for communities is wise. Like having a leading member of the KKK responsible for Race Relations in Mississippi in the late 50s, perhaps...


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