the bee hive

the bee hive, originally uploaded by Pig Sty Ave.

A few months ago, there was a story on the local television news about a Newcastle man who'd been thrown onto the Metro line at North Shields or somewhere in an "unprovoked attack". Ah right. He'd managed to scramble back up onto the platform, unhurt(ish). I thought I recognised him.

That's not suprising. Tyneside's a big conurbation, but you get to know everyone who matters - eventually.

Anyhow, I realised later I remembered that lad's face from a lively afternoon spent here, in The Bee Hive.

Journalism as it's manifested in our society often depends on playing up the worst in society. The truth is, attacks are almost never unprovoked.

The shitty PhotoShopping on this photo, at my hand, would be sufficient provocation for moderate abuse, though.


  1. Now see, I don't think it is shitty at all, I love what you have done with the colors! :)


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