Don't Even Ask!

Something terrible happened to my laptop. If it was a virus, and I can't think what else it could have been, then AVG didn't see it coming, nor could it see it once it was here. The details are too painful. Essentially, the system was Donald Ducked, and I've had to reformat the hard drive. I've lost a load of pictures. It's a pure blighter. (Earlier, I used blunter language; when I say 'blunter', I mean anatomical.) And now nothing seems quite right, everything's slow and clunky. And it's been a night's graft to get it half-way working again. AND next computer I get, won't have fucking Windows. What an in-built bag-o'-shite it is.


  1. I'm surprised AVG didn't stop it, if it was a virus. Send me details, I might (heavily underlined) have an answer.
    Okay, no Windows. That basically means Linux. Most Linuxes are free to download, but you have the hassle of burning them to CD. PC World and a few very good shops will sell you versions. My recommendation is Xandros, but you're unlikely to buy that over the counter. Try (it's actually owned by someone else now, but the URL will take you there), which is a very good firm. Email me if you need further assistance.

  2. Take a look at
    That will take you to lots of free antivirus and scan discs.
    These have provided solutions for me in the past.

    It could be that you are dragging around a load of spyware.
    Check with adaware, or something similar, to clean the hard disc.

    Stupid point probably, but do you regularly defragment the hard disc to tidy-up scattered files and get the thing running faster.

    Also, do you keep up with the windows update for virus protection?

    I know how you feel about lost photos - it's my nightmare because I can't burn a CD with all my photos.
    Do you want some copies of Libya photos?
    I will send you a CD when I have my CDR-WR repaired or I can e-mail 5 at a time with yahoo.*

    Keep cool and throw things out of the window rather than through it !


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