
Showing posts from January, 2019


Clearing ground and sowing winter field beans progresses slowly, as you'd expect given the time of year. I'm working my way down the middle western bed, going northwards. I've had plenty to say about weed suppressing garden membrane in the past, but the realisation that I could cover maybe 40% of the plot for a couple of years, and thereby vastly diminish the weed problem, has lifted a great weight from my shoulders. That's the small SW bed, by the corner-shed, and the former midden area. Two interrelated realisations: firstly, I'm gardening for the dogs, for bees, and eventually for chickens; so I need tough perennials and good pollinator plants. Secondly, this is a long haul: I can't get chickens just yet, and maybe not until I retire, which is eight or more years away.  And I've recollected that I've always wanted to grow all manner of herbs, and that any plant whose name ends with -wort must be worth growing. Like sneezewort, which could be fro