Umm-al-Maa, Oasis, Libyan Sahara.

Beautiful. I love the way the sand dunes in the background look.

I saw this when I was revisiting the libya.alt group on Flickr. Another reminder that I didn't do enough exploring on my last trip, and, inshallah, must remedy that next time.


  1. All rights reserved.
    So I would appreciate if you didn't blog me. You could have asked for my permission first.
    I am fed up with my pics being ripped off. They get blogged, then they end up copied onto other websites and used uncredited and unpaid for.
    So please removed the blog link.

  2. Wasn't it a screen grab from flickr containing the picture rather than the picture itself? Is that splitting hairs or a fair distinction to make? I know its been said a million times elsewhere but if anyone wants to control how and where their work is used it seems daft to post it on the internet and even more so posting it publicly on a photo sharing site. I know that does not excuse copyright infringement but the internet is a very public place to leave things lying around.

  3. as the photographer of this blog entry I would like to say I post my work on flickr so that it gets exposure and therefore it is seen by photo editors etc. who in turn contact me and ask for the right to use my work (this makes me money) I get paid for my work. I have been published world wide by Lonely Planet - their new 2008 Bluelist book has my work in it. I have been published in other books in the UK, Germany and Portugal. Magazines have used my work in India, Russia and USA. My work has also been used on Swedish websites and educational posters in Israel. All of these have come from exposure generated from being on flickr.
    All the above have paid for my work. However there have been instances when my work has been ripped off and used without my permission, it seems Arab countries, are good at doing this, but that is another story.

    What I didn't know was my pics could be blogged so when yesterday this was pointed out to me I made the change in my flickr profile.
    So this shouldn't happen again.


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