From Google Earth

This must have been three years ago - the sheds and greenhouses have been moved around, and there's a wee pond top right now :)


  1. You threw me with the orientation of your screengrab there Garry...

    I was amazed to discover the effect that switching off the terrain function has on Google Earth - it's always been switched on on my pc - thank you for that..

    I was also amazed to discover that your allotment is less than 100 metres from my nuclear fallout shelter which I discovered several years ago...(no I'm not joking).

    I'd be interested to know if you plan on any open days down at your ranch as I'd love to check it out sometime...

  2. Small world, eh?

    Thursday and Friday morning - but wait until we're into the growing season a bit, and there'll be much more for you to see.

  3. Valentines Day and hot sex in my garden pond.

    I'm talking frogs here Garry - my garden pond has been chillin' for the winter but today saw day one of this seasons hot frog action - unfortunately it was all underwater so I can't post any shots but last year it was frogspawn overkill - be prepared down at your pond too.


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