Nasty Fascist Bastards

The BNP are fielding more candidates than ever. They are certainly active round our way. During the current local election campaign, I've only had a total of three leaflets through the door, one from Labour and the other two from the BNP, and one of them was glossy, unlike Labour's MS Office photocopied baloney.

They don't have their usual issues here: no minorities to pick on. What they will seek to exploit is disillusion with a smug Labour council who've been in power for generations.


  1. Well let us hope that their hard work pays off. They seem to be very professional and I am sure would make excellent Councillors.

    Vote B.N.P. May 3rd - B.N.P. Day

  2. What hard work would that be? Disseminating lies, stirring up fears, pandering to the lowest possible denominator...
    They SEEM to be very professional. Exactly.


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