If this was work, I'd talk about "some ideas, going forward..."

Skinny brick paths were a mistake. They get weed infested, and weeding them involves lifting bricks, much more difficult than going at them by hand or with the hoe. I'll lift them all this autumn, and use them to make a hard standing area in front of the shed. Earth paths thereafter - organic in a metaphorical sense, much easier to weed.

The classification of five beds, I don't know if that's not somewhat style-cramping. I could rather have just one big long bed down East side, from the gate to the pond. A little bed to the SW, between the SW boundary and the shed. A medium sized bed from the shed down to the NW corner, interrupted by the brick path which covers the rubble drain.  See, I want flexibility because I want to include the polytunnel and eventually the chickens in the crop rotation. 

The polytunnel I'm going to build myself with scaffold tubes, 50mm MDPE pipe, polythene, duct tape and cable ties. It's part of decommodifying the process of allotment holding.


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