Pallet Shed Planning

Of course, the essential in allotment infrastructure improvement will be the shed. There's plenty of hits about this in Google, but there's an awful lot of shite, pop up adds, and most annoying of all, (maybe irrationally) blogs of misspellings, emoticons, sprinkled throughout by lols. (Why do people think it's necessary to end every sentence with a lol; the intention seems to be to signal that a joke has been made, but for we older internet-users, lol meant, literally, "I just laughed out loud to that" so interspersing your blog post with lols paints a picture of someone sitting at their keyboard, alone, laughing like an idiot at their own attempts at humour; ffs, stop it.)

Nowhere can I find a really good, step by step guide to what to do. (There might be one on YouTube, but the first couple I looked at dragged me into watching ads, so I thought, "bugger this for a game of soldiers".) I did find three blog posts which, whilst not being complete guides, or being about quite the shed I want to build, nonetheless give helpful advice if read in the right way. They are:
Step 1, sometime in the next week or so, will be to move the rubble from its location on the East side of the "old greenhouse foundations" and use it to level up the West side, making a hard standing about 8x5ft. Step 2 will be to source the pallets, scaffold boards, and corrugated iron. So, it's...

To be continued...


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