Glasgow Herald, 7th February 1920

Women's Topics (By Our Lady Correspondent)
It almost seems as if certain dressmakers had to decided to make ridiculous those women who wear their creations. To realise this, it is enough to read some descriptions which appear in French journals. One costume seen at a smart gathering in Paris had, I notice, the skirt entirely covered with monkey fringe, the corsage a la mode was conspicuous by its absence, shoulder straps of jet emphasizing the slightness of the bodice... It would be laughable were it not so pathetic to think of 20th century women dressing themselves like savages, or rather like monkeys!

At Edinburgh Sheriff Court yesterday Archibald Mutch Trotter (22) pleaded guilty to committing bigamy in Edinburgh on January 17, 1919. An agent stated that accused was almost blind, and he produced a doctor's certificate to that effect. His condition was due to shell shock. Sheriff Crede[?] said bigamy was becoming extremely common, and people were beginning to think that it was not any crime at all. His Lordship passed sentence of six months imprisonment.


David Elyan (24) who resided at 18 Aitken Street, Glasgow, and carried on business as a jeweller at 19 Bridge Street, was knocked down while crossing Eglinton Street late on Thursday night by a tramcar and killed. The driver of the car was taken into custody in connection with the affair, and at the Southern Police Court yesterday he was remanded until today.


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