Back at the Keys for Winter

I bought one of those LED lamps with a clip on it, it's just out of sight on the left of the photo, clipped onto the piano's open lid. It makes the piano a cosy, inviting looking situation of a cold, dark November evening.

Last night I got back to practising properly. Went through all the Grade 1 scales & broken chords. Then a few runs through with the Lincolnshire Poacher, RH. Then, at last, really got down to learning the LH.

I'm trying to learn it backwards, as the last few bars look more difficult. I did four bars last night. The ABRSM exam for Spring can be anytime between 22nd February and 24th March. So, that's the rest of November for the Lincolnshire Poacher from List A, December for the List B piece and January for List C. Leaving most of February, at least, as a margin.


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