The Music of Time

I've been re-reading Anthony Powell's book, and I'm on for the penultimate volume, Temporary Kings; (I realised with a jolt that the first time round, I had no clue about the title of that volume, no knowledge of The Golden Bough, much less of Graves and The White Goddess, a book which changed my life).

I was a new graduate, studying for the Solicitors' Final Examination when I first read it. I loved it then, but reading it again I get so much more. In the twenty two years which have elapsed, I've had more than one failed marriage, love affairs, seen friends come, go, and come back again. Now, the convolutions of Nick's social circle seem comprehensible.

I had planned to read the book now, and then again in my sixties (assuming I was spared), but it's been such a pleasure I feel like going right back to A Question of Upbringing and starting again forthwith.


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