Polytunnel - Year 1

The poly-tunnel has not been an overwhelming success. There's the enormous temperature range for one thing: -1c to 51c during one week last May. And then the slugs have wreaked havoc. For example I have only 5 parsley plants of 100s which germinated, and those 5 are not looking good. I've got 2 lemon balm, ditto. The tomatoes, var. Latah are a joke: I've had 1 single cherry tomato, and it was quite bitter; the tomato situation was not helped by the poly tunnel moving 1ft north during a gale, crushing most of the plants as it went.

So I've got some heavy duty tent pegs to keep the frame in place. I've never used slug pellets because the plot is so thickly populated with frogs, which I don't want to be collateral damage. But as they don't climb onto the polytunnel table, I've started sprinkling some there, with good effect. I've also, this morning, sprinkled a defensive line of salt around the pots, trays and modules which are gathered together in the middle of the table.


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