'private jets for climate change'

Al's saying something about Madonna's chest being immune from the effects of age, as well as climate change, I think...

What a load of old toot.

All things connected with climate change have begun to take on a week-old halibut like scent of secular religiosity. The organisers and participants in Live Earth seem to be saying we need to "raise awareness" of climate change. Well, we don't. Who, pray tell, isn't aware of it? And anyway, what fucking difference does it make?

I'll come clean here and say that I'm an enthusiastically "green": the beer cans, and wine bottles and newspapers all go in the black box to be collected by the council. Food scraps get composted. I grow a lot of our food on the allotment, anyway. I go to work on public transport. I've not been on an aeroplane in two years.

But I have no illusions whatsoever: my lifestyle makes fuck all difference to the big picture, whilst millions of obese people in the US drive around in their 4x4s, and China keeps on building coal power stations.

In other words, my little stroll down the garden each evening with the day's banana peel and teabags is only worthwhile in terms of making compost for the health of my little garden. It doesn't make any difference whatsoever whilst the psychotic beast of modern capitalism does everything necessary to maintain big fat bottom lines.

What things like Live Earth actually do is to raise anxiety and general alienation amongst people. What it says is: "your grandchildren are all going to fry; nothing you do can change that, but do it anyway because that might make you feel a bit better".

It's a heap of shit and smells far worse than my compost heap.


  1. You're right, of course. To carry on your religious theme, I reckon recycling's a bit like Pascal's Wager: I know it's going to do fuck all good to anything other than my conscience and the veg patch, but it's got to be better to do something than nothing at all. Send the fat bastards in four-wheel drives to fight in Iraq if cheap oil's so important to them. The Chinese I'll forgive for now. We do have a two hundred year head start on them.

    Oh well, come the revolution...


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